WTF lazarus

WTF lazarus

The code generation in lazarus fpc is just as broken as the Delphi one.
Case in point:

function Point(x,y: cardinal): TPoint; inline;
  //UInt64(Result):= UInt64(y * (1 shl 32)) + x;
  Result.x:= x;
  Result.y:= y;

unit1.pas:44                              pt:= Point(x,y);
89d8                     mov    eax,ebx
4863c0                   movsxd rax,eax
48b9ffffffff00000000     mov rcx,0xffffffff
4821c8                   and    rax,rcx
48b900000000ffffffff     mov rcx,0xffffffff00000000
4821c9                   and    rcx,rcx
4809c1                   or     rcx,rax
4863d2                   movsxd rdx,edx
48c1e220                 shl    rdx,0x20
48b800000000ffffffff     mov rax,0xffffffff00000000
4821c2                   and    rdx,rax
48b8ffffffff00000000     mov rax,0xffffffff
4821c1                   and    rcx,rax
4809d1                   or     rcx,rdx
48894df8                 mov    QWORD PTR [rbp-0x8],rcx

Is fpc writing war & peace here? 

However with a little help it does do a reasonable job.
Uncomment the first line and disable line 2 and 3 above.

unit1.pas:44                              pt:= Point(x,y);
000000010002C3E7 81e2ffffffff             and    edx,0xffffffff
000000010002C3ED 48c1e220                 shl    rdx,0x20
000000010002C3F1 89d8                     mov    eax,ebx
000000010002C3F3 488d0402                 lea    rax,[rdx+rax]
000000010002C3F7 488945f8                 mov    QWORD PTR [rbp-0x8],rax

There is still the useless and edx and the mov eax,ebx (really?)
And senseless stack smashing. But at least it is not totally hopeless.


  1. Maciej Izak Disagree, that's an interesting information. Thanks for sharing Johan Bontes

  2. Sébastien Paradis I do not claim that this is uninteresting, I saying that the absence of a report makes it useless.

  3. Maciej Izak
    Did you miss the part where this is marked as rant and not as bug?


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