Little bit surprised but Jedi JCL and VCL are not part of GetIT in Delphi Berlin !


  1. May be there are no ready packages yet?!

  2. Feel free to contact them and volunteer to help package it up for distribution via GetIT. Or are you just suggesting that "someone else (aka. not you) do this to make your life easier"? They are open-source, but there is a real cost to actually package up the code and host it on the GetIT servers.

    I suppose if enough customers ask for it, EMBT may decide there is enough value in adding them to GetIT that they feel it is a worthwhile return on investment.

  3. Most of the volunteers have left Jedi, just Andreas Hausladen did some tweaks.

  4. Ralf Stocker My "JEDI time" is almost non existent, as is my hobby "Delphi time".

  5. Clearly there is an opening for more volunteers.

  6. I stopped contributing to project Jedi when it moved to Github. Not that my contributions amounted for much.

  7. I've started modifying JCL sources but installation is failling on :

    Embarcadero Delphi for Win32 compiler version 31.0
    Copyright (c) 1983,2016 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
    JclCIL.pas(674) Erreur: E2010 Types incompatibles : 'TJclInstructionDumpILOptions' et 'TStringsOptions'

  8. Stéphane Wierzbicki Same here. This is caused by the new "Options" property of TStrings. The erratic code contains a big
    with TStringList do begin...
    In line 674 "Options" is used. But it is no longer the functions parameter named "Options", but the TStrings property!

    Simple fix: Change the function's parameter name from "Options" to "aOptions" (both interface and implementation), and compiles fine.

    Can you commit your changes to the repository?

  9. Achim Kalwa​ I guess that I need to have specific credentials for commiting my changes ?

  10. Stéphane Wierzbicki
    Forget committing. JCL/JVCL no longer uses SubVersion, but GIT. All you can do is to create a pull request.

  11. I've just created a pull request for that issue.

  12. Everything is working know for JCL :) I'll make a pull request

  13. Achim Kalwa I feel really stupid but I don't know how to create a pull request... I've created patch files, where can I upload them ?

  14. Stéphane Wierzbicki It's actually a lot more complicated than simply creating a patch and uploading it, because they're on a DVCS now.  See (search for "pull request", about halfway down the page)

  15. Achim Kalwa, Mason Wheeler, Allen Bauer, Andreas Hausladen : I've successfully created an pull request. Waiting now that someone validate this :)

  16. Mason Wheeler​ my JCL folder was a clone of the JCL Github repo... I've created a fork and then was able to submit a pull request ... I will do the same for the jvcl one... I learn everyday 😀

  17. It was available under Seattle GetIt, not quite sure how all that works under the hood or who makes them available.

  18. Stéphane Wierzbicki
    here you can learn how to create a pull request. Very good and simple description:

  19. Ralf Stocker​ thank you, this is a nice tutorial

  20. Best example why with .. do should be avoided^^

  21. thanks for the update to JEDI/JVCL/JCL for delphi berlin 10.1 !! install completed 100%

  22. Where can I find for download ? I need a Delphi Berlin install!


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