After spend a full day trying to build a open project on BERLIN, and fail every time with cpu going to 100%, im coming back to Seattle. Same projects just works on Seattle. No delay, no problems, not HIGH CPU usage.

After spend a full day trying to build a open project on BERLIN, and fail every time with cpu going to 100%, im coming back to Seattle. Same projects just works on Seattle. No delay, no problems, not HIGH CPU usage.
As Nick Hodges says, we hope have a IDE FIX pack soon. Nobody will pay the time i lost testing this, BTW. EMB, please, do the job. If you cannot do the job HIRE someone else, but fix this. In my experience Berlin FAILS on big projects, and based on the past experience will only be fixed with a FIX PACK like Andreas Hausladen produce in the past (like the one Seattle already have). Game over Berlin.

Edit: after the release of Andy fix pack and comparing the use for a week I see Berlin work fine. For the records.


  1. Best would be a fix in the source. But it seams the EMBT aren't really interessted, because problem ist there fpr years!

  2. I have the same issue and specially when displaying the livebinding designer.

  3. Livebindings designer is really really slow

  4. Have you contacted Embarcadero support? If you have a blocking issue, they're the ones to ask to look into it.

  5. David Millington and get a request for a test case? I see that response in the past. A waste of time. I'm sure it will be fixed for Andy tools, just a matter of time. In the meanwhile I will hold on Berlin + ide tools : zero problem

  6. David Millington​, one year ago I created an QR for a debugger issue under an Android Device. I have also contacted EMB support... So far debugger is still crashing...

    I've also created an QR (with a reproducible test case) for the livebindings issues... So far QR is marked as Open and no hot fixes are available (it's a pain in the a... to wait up to 10sec on each component click)

  7. German Gentile Yes, a test case would be useful. It's a fair thing to ask for.

  8. David Millington yes we all are developers and know for what is a test case. Do you get is almost impossible to make it? Understand the problem happens with a big project only? The only test case I can send is the full code with a NDA. For that reason I don't contact AGAIN to EMB. I prefer to wait Andy fix or just not renew my SA. Simple.

  9. German Gentile I understand the trouble with bugs that only occur with large projects - but of course that may also make reproducing them hard for the QA team. I'd suggest following up with support, it can't hurt.


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