Hi. Does anybody have any experiences with Delphi+SOAP +x509 certficate ? Web service needs soap envelope with header like in file here https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ovt9zgoo9zt9ns/soap.xml?dl=0

Hi. Does anybody have any experiences with Delphi+SOAP +x509 certficate ? Web service needs soap envelope with header like in file here https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ovt9zgoo9zt9ns/soap.xml?dl=0

How to generate it in delphi ?

Here is the wsdl http://test.epuap.gov.pl/zp_signing_external_ws/services/TPSigning/wsdl/TPSigning.wsdl


  1. Can you even do an application layer signing in Indy?  I guess not right? SecureBlackBox has it?

  2. Warren Postma Not with Indy alone. The code needs to provide XML canonicalization/transformation and PKI/certificate crypto. I think SecureBlackBox has it. XmlSec has it all for sure. Also, XmlSec worked for me with Java-SOAP backends where .NET built-in client libraries failed.

  3. Good to know! I'll check those out.


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