Im the only one feeling Delphi 10.
Im the only one feeling Delphi 10.1 IDE slow in extreme? Even one click on Tools option takes 20 seconds sometimes. Im just start using it, coming from delphi XE5 and compared one by one 10.1 is unusable. Please share any tips to speed this thing! Im searching how to disable castalia to start with something.
Solved: After a lot of work and investigation i find the problem was some "incompatible option" on dproj file. That opens and work ok until Seattle but ruin berlin every time. I delete dproj file, let Berlin create it and populate all the setup and it works fine now. Still take a 20 seconds to start building but is a minor problem. Thanks to all for the help!
Solved: After a lot of work and investigation i find the problem was some "incompatible option" on dproj file. That opens and work ok until Seattle but ruin berlin every time. I delete dproj file, let Berlin create it and populate all the setup and it works fine now. Still take a 20 seconds to start building but is a minor problem. Thanks to all for the help!
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