[SOLVED - not exactly...]

[SOLVED - not exactly...]
...and one more thing. I already tried to use the Hint with FMX on Seattle, not working and also in Berlin. I something else needed to make it work?


  1. is that on windows marco ? (i.e I do not think it works on OSX?)

  2. Marco Cantù Platform is FMX. "ShowHints"? As old VLC I turn on ShowHint on the control, and in my case I use a TSpeedButton.
    BUT I created a simple code and it ALSO WORKED here!!! Weird!
    I even repeated the steps, putting the button into a toolbar, changing the button's style.
    My program is using moderm style book.
    Maybe I will have to create a new application and copy the code :(

  3. Yes, this is a windows FMX feature. Odd about inconsistent behavior.

  4. My application has a story behind. The 1st version I started for Android using Seattle trial, but latter the client asked to keep in Windows, so I just changed the platform, now with our Berlin subscription version.
    Maybe create a new application could help.

  5. Yes, sometimes it can help to start with a fresh project file when upgrading a project from a previous version. Some naming changes with the platforms caused this in the past.

  6. Well, it is working now. I had to create a fresh project... Strange is that it did not worked since the very first with Seattle.

  7. WEIRD! not solved! Simply is not showing it again. Is this a hidden bug?


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