Hi, guys! This is my first post here. I've been trying to create a test case that deletes selected items from a TListView, using DUnitx and Delphi XE5. This is my method implementation:

Hi, guys! This is my first post here. I've been trying to create a test case that deletes selected items from a TListView, using DUnitx and Delphi XE5. This is my method implementation:

procedure TMyTest.DeleteItemsFromListView;
lv : TListView;
item : TListItem;
i : Integer;

lv := TListView.Create(nil);
i := 0;

while i < 100 do
item := lv.Items.Add; //error here!
item.Caption := 'Item' + IntToStr(i + 1);
item.Selected := ( (i div 2) = 0 );

TUtils.ExcluirItensSelecionados(lv); //My delete routine

Assert.AreEqual('50', IntToStr(lv.Items.Count));
Assert.AreEqual('Item99', lv.Items[lv.Items.Count - 1].Caption);

What happens is, when I run the test, it fails during lv.Items.Add, complaining there's no parent. I tried to create a form and put it as the listview's parent but no success. I think dUnitX doesn't work well with VCL. Is that correct? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

Debugger Exception Notification
Project EleicoesTest.exe raised exception class EInvalidOperation with message 'Control '' has no parent window'.
