Hi guys

Hi guys,

I've found a camera bug which is causing me some issues in an app I'm developing.

In the app I need to scan a QR code, then access the camera to take photos followed by further QR scanning.

Therefore, I use both the TCameraComponent and IFMXCameraService interface.

The problem occurs once I start the TCameraComponent (for scanning a QR code), then deactivate it and take a photo... when I return to the TCameraComponent the framerate has dropped.

This happens on both Android and iOS - it's as if some code somewhere is keeping a hold on a camera resource when it shouldn't which slows the framerate.

I've attached a simple demo showing this...


1. click "Start" to start the camera streaming.
2. click "Stop".
3. click "photo"
4. then return and click start again. You will see a noticeable drop in the framerate.

I just can't seem to see where this is occuring. If I use the Camera component from DPF iOS delphi components then I do not see this issue but obviously this does not work for Android.

If anyone knows a workaround/fix for this issue it would be really appriciated.



  1. Ouch. I will be needing exactly this functionality soon.

  2. If you could vote up the QC report it might help get it resolved quicker. (Hopefully!)


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