Is there a way of getting the passcount for breakpoint at an arbitrary point in time, e.
Is there a way of getting the passcount for breakpoint at an arbitrary point in time, e.g. say when an Exception's been raised? Typically currently if I want to find out the passcount for a breakpoint I plumb in a counter into the code etc and then check the value of the counter variable etc, but this seems kludgy and especially so when the code in question doesn't belong to me [e.g. VCL or madexcept or FastMM or such... Is there some forehead slapping better way I don't know about that I can get that from the debugger directly? [I'm thinking not, since I assume the debugger won't want to incur the overhead of having to maintain by default counters for every breakpoint in your program {mostly needlessly}. But even if not, is there some feature to selectively turn such on or is this wishful thinking?]
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