New Request to expose "Internal" functions

New Request to expose "Internal" functions


  1. Everything that is public must be set in stone basically. So they maybe don't want to expose everything as public?

    As for System.GetTickCount... you know System.Classes.TThread.GetTickCount?

  2. Stefan Glienke InternalGetFileNameFromHandle is an implementation of the MSN recommendation way to do that...I have to copy/paste the code actually to use it.

    Why is there 2 implementations of a crossplatform GeTickCount ? one in System and another in System.Classes ?

    Look at this comment in System.Types
    /// Since This unit doesn't cannot use System.Classes, this virtual allows descendants which do have access to
    /// System.Classes to provide a means for this base ancestor to call System.Classes.TThread.GetTickCount.
    class function GetTickCount: Cardinal; virtual; abstract;

  3. Paul TOTH You just answered your own question.

    Would it be better to have the GetTickCount function public in System.pas and then just use that in all the other places? Probably yes. Is it a big issue? No, since almost every Delphi application is using System.Classes anyway.


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