When it comes to Paths in the IDE, my brain is fried...It seems I can't figure out the right course of action. So, I would appreciate if you could share your expertise.

When it comes to Paths in the IDE, my brain is fried...It seems I can't figure out the right course of action. So, I would appreciate if you could share your expertise.

Say I have a component A (Design-time component). I install it in the IDE and I add the path to the source file to the "Library Path" and the path to DCU to "Debug DCU path" from Tools>Options. This means comp-A is avail globally to every project.

Q1: If I want to exclude the source file (like many vendors do when they only provide DCU and BPL files), in which paths should I add a reference to what? Should I use the Browsing Path for the source files instead?

Now, say comp-A uses unit A. I would expect this to be hidden in the bpl when installed in the IDE. In a new project-A, say I use comp-A in the forms and I take unit A, copy it in a different location and I change it by adding some new stuff I need for Proj-A and add it to Proj-A.

Q2: Now, do i add the path to the amended unit-A in the Project>Options>Library Path? Is this correct? Do I add it to the Browsing path, too?

Thanks a lot in advance.

(Perhaps, someone can write a nice blog article explaining all the details--that would be invaluable)


  1. Uwe Raabe: I am definitely mixing more than one things :-) Thanks for the explanation

  2. Uwe Raabe: If I don't have the source files, what do I do? Option #2 without the source files?

  3. John Kouraklis Yep! If you don't have the source files your only choice is option 2 omitting the "Browse Path" part.


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