Ahh ! I hate losing time on such "conneries" !
Ahh ! I hate losing time on such "conneries" !
on a computer with 2 network cards, I had a Delphi/Firebird application that works perfectly and a second one that raise an "Unable to complete network request to host".
The first application uses the IBDAC components, the second one uses IBX.
It took me hours to understand that the only real difference between them is that IBDAC save the default port value (3050) while IBX do not.
The 2 network cards had nothing to do with the problem, but there's a local firebird instance configured on port 3055, and this #$@ fb client tried to connect to a remote host with the port from the local server configuration !!!!
C'est du grand n'importe quoi (in good french)
someone to go whip the developer who did that !
on a computer with 2 network cards, I had a Delphi/Firebird application that works perfectly and a second one that raise an "Unable to complete network request to host".
The first application uses the IBDAC components, the second one uses IBX.
It took me hours to understand that the only real difference between them is that IBDAC save the default port value (3050) while IBX do not.
The 2 network cards had nothing to do with the problem, but there's a local firebird instance configured on port 3055, and this #$@ fb client tried to connect to a remote host with the port from the local server configuration !!!!
C'est du grand n'importe quoi (in good french)
someone to go whip the developer who did that !
T'inquiètes t'en verra d'autre 😋...