Are you interested in using OTL on mobile platforms? On OS/X? With Firemonkey? We need your input.

Are you interested in using OTL on mobile platforms? On OS/X? With Firemonkey? We need your input.


  1. I am awaiting the Linux compiler before I answer this ;)

  2. For now I'm developing only win32/win64 (VCL) but in the near future I think could be useful on mobile/firemonkey

  3. I would love to use it when macOS compiler go ARC-enabled :D

    Waiting a new LLVM-based ARC-enabled 64-bit (NextGen) compiler for macOS.

  4. I do not use the NextGen targets, but other approaches for clients (like PhoneGap). So no need for OTL support for those targets.
    Lars Fosdal If the Linux compiler is ARC-enabled, I would never use it. Horácio Filho knows my point. ;) So I would not need OTL for Linux. :D

  5. A. Bouchez​​ I am about 100% sure it will be ARC-enabled and you will love it :D

  6. Horácio Filho ARC makes almost no difference for RAD/component programming. But for true OOP and server-side apps, it expects a big adaptation.
    I would not spent any time changing and checking thousands lines of working and proven code. My code base is already working under Linux using FPC (or even CrossKylix). Even on ARM32/64! Why would I use the Delphi compiler, and spend time and money for no benefit, just because the EMB compiler guys broke compatibility?

  7. A. Bouchez I wonder if patching some methods in TObject can disable ARC evilgrin

  8. My target plattform is win32/vcl only. No Android, no MacOS and no IOS.

  9. Stefan Glienke Sadly, we would need more than RTL patches: the compiler does emit diverse asm when ARC is enabled.
    I wish they at least offer the ability to enable ARC on Win32, so that we may be able to debug natively in the IDE this memory model. Otherwise, remote debugging a Linux server from a Windows IDE would be a real PITA. AFAIR there is such a Win32/ARC compiler existing internally at EMB - and it was used to debug the ARC support in the RTL.
    And also that the heap manager would be able to find memory leaks (which still occurs on ARC, as soon as you forgot to define one field as "weak").

  10. And having DisposeOf loopholes fixed would be nice...

  11. I really don't understand how they could not make ARC / explicit seamless so that code could easily be shared over platforms.

  12. Lars Fosdal It is like putting square peg into a round hole. Eventually, you can make it work but there is no seamless solution.

  13. For me being able to use OTL on iOS would be awesome.

  14. Lars Fosdal There was an interesting discussion about it AFAIR. In short: cost!

  15. ARC is seemless for me. I just use .Free; like normal. Apps run on all platforms. In 60k lines of code I only needed .DisposeOf; once or twice. Seems kind of pointless to me but then I don't write components. I would probably use OTL on mobile if it can do things that TTask and anonymous threads can't do.


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