Delphi Known IDE Packages Manager

Delphi Known IDE Packages Manager


  1. Looks nice, but why in the world would you create a new project and put it up on SourceForge?  Do you hate the rest of us that much?!?

  2. Mason Wheeler I have created multiple new projects on sourceforge within the last year. I don't like git and therefore the scm provider du jour github isn't an option. Downloading an executable from sourceforge isn't any different from downloading it anywhere else. Why do you have a problem with that?

  3. Mason Wheeler The new owners seem quite nice. They've already reverted the worst crap from the previous owners. So not that bad anymore I think.

  4. Thomas Mueller Just for starters, "anywhere else" isn't cluttered up with 10 bajillion advertisements, several of which try to trick you into clicking on them instead of the legitimate download, and any of which could be malvertising trying to hijack your browser.

  5. Thanks Thomas. I have disabled five IDE packages for XE4. I'll report here should I encounter any issues.

  6. Can you also add sorting when clicking on the title bar? Also, confirmation when saving is successful. Thanks

  7. Mason Wheeler OK, your suggestion? Requirements are simple: Free, svn hosting, unrestricted downloads

  8. I understand you why stick with svn for simplicity :)


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