Nice offer from EMB

Nice offer from EMB


  1. Indeed. Key question: With source?

  2. Konopka VCL Controls where "the premier" controls" for version 10. Funny, the install has been totally busted for Berlin (a big aggravation). I hope they can keep this stuff updated to "premier" with the next release.

  3. Nick Hodges​ I really doubt that it will be shipped with sources. I'll have a look tomorrow...

  4. The FAQ says , The current plan is to include both Konopka VCL Controls and Radiant Shapes as part of the next release - codenamed Godzilla". To me this implies the controls will be shipped as part of the next version of Delphi.

    I really need to know the long term plans for these controls. Will they be supported in future versions of Delphi? Or will this be their last hurrah before being abandoned?

  5. Steve Maughan I really want to see their long term plans at all. Like "where do we want Delphi to be in 5 years time from now" (of course that still includes a lot of uncertainty, but with the current plans I don't see a real vision).

    This is probably a happy coincidence:

  6. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers I too would like to see the roadmap unfold a it.

  7. It would be nice if Konopka FMX controls would have existed.

  8. Unable to download. Received the email with serial but cant find a way to download. Going to the offer page it will say that my serial already taken the offer.

  9. Magno Lima try it via GetIt. I'm currently downloading it.

  10. The Konopka Signature VCL controls apparently are being installed into all Delphi versions > 2009.

  11. Looks like the sources are included. At least
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Raize\RC6\Source
    contains quite a lot .pas and .dfm files

  12. Radiant Shapes also contains a Source directory. No idea whether it is complete.

  13. its not clear how you get your redemption for people on update subscription?

  14. Magno Lima You get it via GetIt once you have gone through the qualification process.

  15. Ilya S If it was practical Ray would have done it. There are videos on youtube where he explained why porting Raize Components to FireMonkey made no sense.

  16. Steve Maughan Seems to me you already had the answer to your question.

  17. jeff weir the biggest benefit of Raize components for me is the property designers. FMX could use a lot of love in that area (but first they need to fix core-design and stability)

  18. I went to :

    to register Radiant Shapes and Konopka as my bonus pack and the web page would not download either of them and but they both exist in the "My registered products" part of my account, but I cannot download them.

    It's annoying that Emb give things away like this, but then almost 100% of the time their web pages fail.

    Raised a support case, damn annoying !

  19. Tony Danby​ did you use getit as described?
    From the webpage
    Question: How do I download and install Konopka VCL Controls?

    Answer: Visit and click on the redemption link. From there, you can request a license key for Konopka VCL Controls and then watch for an email containing the serial number. To install the Konopka VCL Controls, open RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin and then navigate to GetIt from the Tools menu in the IDE. In GetIt, search for “Bonus” and then proceed with the installation of Konopka VCL Controls. During installation, you will need to enter the serial number found in the email that was sent to you.

  20. This is what I was hope EMB would do. The stock vcl gui controls are woefully inadequate. Thanks you EMB

  21. Hmm, using my credentials and my serial number brings me to an account page from a different user - showing an error that my serial number is not registered with my account (in fact the account I'm accidentally logged in to).

  22. Any chance to get an off line installer for Konopka VCL Controls for this offer? (I have it slowly installed via Get it)

    I like to have a backup of all the components, libraries, ISOs, updates just in case I need to reinstall the whole thing.

    Recently Get it give me an strange issue with IP*Works/Berlin/Seattle.The components shows in the palette, but Get It simply tells isn't installed.
    I give up trying to fix it, because I can use the IP*Works components & samples. But "...I've got a feeling, that keeps me on my toes..."

  23. Attila Kovacs
    Thanks! I forgot to check ".\Users\Public.."


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