We updated the public trial version of TRichView to version 16.8.
Main changes in this update include:
- special colors for odd and even groups of table rows, heading rows, the last row; the same for table columns
- widow/orphan control (avoiding page breaks before the last line and after the first line of paragraphs)
- special objects for storing additional information in documents
- applying styles from files to documents.
We also updated our installer, it now supports installing optional packages, and we used this feature to install packages integrating our components with other third-party components (Addict 4, ReportBuilder 17, THTMLViewer, DeveloperExpress VCL). Also, it now uses the more traditional package scheme (runtime + designtime packages). The source code of the installer will be available soon.
By the way, we created an utility for package generation: by the specified lists of units, dcr files and required third-party and standard packages, it generates packages (compatible with our installer) for all versions of Delphi from 4 to 10.1, and C++Builder from 6 to 10.1. While we are not ready to share this utility, we can create packages for any component developers who need them on request.
how to download this composent