Today I've tried to recompile a Seattle FMX App with Berlin. The Android version compiled succesfully in 5 minutes or so (a very smooth transition), but when I try to deploy it to my iPad (iOS device, 32 bit, debug configuraton) I have no success at all (the same exact project deploy on my iPad under Seattle without errors).

Today I've tried to recompile a Seattle FMX App with Berlin. The Android version compiled succesfully in 5 minutes or so (a very smooth transition), but when I try to deploy it to my iPad (iOS device, 32 bit, debug configuraton) I have no success at all (the same exact project deploy on my iPad under Seattle without errors).
This is the error I got before the linking phase aborts, any help?


  1. Did you include the AudioToolbox library?

  2. yes, add the library missed... so works

  3. Thanks all: where do I find that library? It was my first idea...

  4. I think you'd add it via the SDK manager like this. One oddity is that you need to make sure none of the radio buttons are selected - first click into the list of existing frameworks, then press "Add".  An unusual UI approach...

  5. ...and then "Update Local File Cache"

  6. Richard Stevens  Great Richard, it works. Yes.. unusual ;)

  7. Not really unusual. We always remind developers to update their iOS devices and to update cache to get any updated or new framework files. Do the same when moving a project just in case (I do a clean and build after project migrations). Apple sometimes(often) makes bigger changes even in what looks like minor OS updates.

  8. David Intersimone I think the unusual part I was referring to is that you have to make sure not to select a radio button in the dialog - if you do it won't work and you have to cancel and try again.


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