Android, other than on phones. I have been finding that with each new OS update, my Nexus 7 (2013) becomes less and less reliable for ordinary web surfing. I have had no luck finding any answers. Everything I turn up on Google suggests rebooting. Uh-huh, but that's part of the complaint. I find it necessary to reboot with ever greater frequency. It has been necessary once a day for a few months now, but the latest update seems to require a reboot every few hours.

Android, other than on phones. I have been finding that with each new OS update, my Nexus 7 (2013) becomes less and less reliable for ordinary web surfing. I have had no luck finding any answers. Everything I turn up on Google suggests rebooting. Uh-huh, but that's part of the complaint. I find it necessary to reboot with ever greater frequency. It has been necessary once a day for a few months now, but the latest update seems to require a reboot every few hours.

I did find a workaround of sorts. If I run WiFi Analyzer, and leave it running, that seems to reduce the need for reboot.

Can I be the only one having Android issues? I doubt it. But it certainly dims my view of the mobile market.


  1. Visit xda, find out how to get root, then get tasker, write a script to disable all google services, and another one to enable them (when you really need them).
    Install droidwall and give Internet access only to the apps you use and trust.

  2. In my experience, the internal flash storage performance is deteriorating with age/usage, slowing the whole system. A factory reset usually helps some degree (enables the system trimming the whole partition, clears junk, cache, tmp files etc)

  3. I'd try the factory reset and if that fails try an xda version as suggested.  Be thankful you dont have an Apple, there are no alternative OS versions.  Our IPad2 is near on impossible to use on there later OS's.


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