Any idea why my 'Complete class at cursor' isn't working? (XE7)


  1. Show the code. Or do you use the Starter Edition?

  2. "It doesn't work" is the least useful phrase in the history of bug reporting.  What is it doing?  Completing the class incorrectly?  Giving an error?  Nothing at all?

  3. It usually doesn't work for me when there's an existing syntax error. But yes, "doesn't work" isn't helpful at all:

    Did you try with an empty, new project? Does the project compile? Is the menu option disabled or it's just respond to key press? Too many variables here

  4. a little more info then.

    it is XE7 Enterprise. It is a webbroker application. Right clicking on an object and selecting "complete class at cursor" worked earlier today but now has no effect. No Error. It just does nothing.

    There wasn't much added to the project and I removed that and it still doesn't work. I restarted Delphi and still no joy.

  5. Does starting a blank project and attempting to use class completion end up with the same result?


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