Delphi Berlin, blank android project, non-blocking input dialog with anonymous method.

Delphi Berlin, blank android project, non-blocking input dialog with anonymous method.
Thanks to point me to what's wrong with this code: if I click on dialog Cancel button my app crashes trying to access default value instead of my input (tested on two devices)
No differences using a valorized ADefault parameter or not calling that input dialog from OnShow event of the main form.


  1. Eli M Eli, nothing to do: using FMX.DialogService.Async.InputQuery leads to the same crash when I tap on Cancel button

  2. This worked with no crash for me on Nexus 7:

    TDialogServiceAsync.InputQuery('Caption', ['Prompt'], ['Default Text'], procedure(const AResult: TModalResult; const AValues: array of string) begin end);

  3. Eli M Thank you, I suspected it was a stupid error ([..]) but I have a bad feeling about the Emb documentation of this functionality (too difficult to find examples and a sensation that main pages lack to mention it)


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