Does anyone using TChart on iOS? I found that my App under windows run just perfect but the same app on my iPad Air is very slow. I am using Berlin 10.1. I read few post from 2014 about using BufferedDisplay := True, but this does not make it for me.

Does anyone using TChart on iOS? I found that my App under windows run just perfect but the same app on my iPad Air is very slow. I am using Berlin 10.1. I read few post from 2014 about using BufferedDisplay := True, but this does not make it for me.

I really like FMX but on iOS, application are not smooth, performance are not great. Chart is the worst. It seems that between Berlin 10 and 10.1 performances have degraded. Unless it is because of iOS 9.3.2 versus 9.1.

Anyway, anyone that has a more recent trick on how to resolve performance issue on iOS, would be really welcome.



  1. Микола Петрівський yep, typical android device is 20 times slower, iPad aprox 10 to 15 times slower versus a modern desktop. That means something with TChart (a repaint) that takes 0.5sec on desktop can take 5 or 10 sec on mobile, very noticeable

  2. David Berneda  What's your opinion on performance using Xamarin for iOS and Android?   I'm in need of writing a couple of mobile apps.  I'm still on the fence with Fire Monkey (sorry for the off topic question).

  3. I finally found that I was having 2 issues.

    The first one is TChart, the standard component in Berlin 10.1. I believe this component is awesome in Windows, but on iOS it is just slow. So I build my own component, which is only a very tiny subset of TChart, but it does the job I need it to do.

    But, after 6 days of work designing my own TChart, I was still having major performance issue. The other issue was TFormatSettings.Create('en-US').

    I was using StrToFloat to convert a float number from a file and if I put this function within the call of StrToFloat call, it took 18 seconds to load my file. If I create a local variable with the result (afmt := TFormatSettings.Create('en-US')) and use afmt in the StrToFloat call, it now takes less than 300 ms to load the file.

    So now with my own TChart component and the fix for the StrToFloat, my app on iOS is working well.


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