Originally shared by Gnostice.com

Originally shared by Gnostice.com

Gnostice StarDocs On-Premises trial R2 released.

Gnostice is pleased to announce the availability of the beta trial R2 release of the Gnostice StarDocs On-Premises edition. The R2 release includes the capability to setup secure end-points with your own SSL certificate. R2 also includes other major enhancements in PDF forms viewing and filling.

You can download the virtual appliance and host it on your virtualization platform on your private servers. StarDocs provides Web APIs to enable a variety of document processing and document viewing scenarios. StarDocs is available as a cloud-hosted API service and as a virtual appliance that you can deploy on-premises.

The following article explains how to set up a secure end-point for the API with your SSL certificate and using the new Administration Console:

To know more about StarDocs, please see the introductory article and other linked articles here:

To download the On-Premises trial virtual appliance, please go here:

You can also try StarDocs online at:

We have also released the Delphi demo source and a Delphi EXE demo powered by StarDocs. You can download them here:

StarDocs will be available for purchase shortly.

Please try out the beta trials and let us know how they work for you.

Thank you,
The Gnostice Team
