Today I just was asked, why my company started with Delphi, 6 years ago instead of using C#. I just answared, that Delphi was the better choise at this time (maintenace, deployment, ...).

Today I just was asked, why my company started with Delphi, 6 years ago instead of using C#. I just answared, that Delphi was the better choise at this time (maintenace, deployment, ...).
But now a days, it's hard to argue, that a company should start with Delphi (for windows development), since the cost of Delphi is pretty high in contrast to VS C#.
Question: Would you invest in Delphi for a new project, if you had to buy a license first (for windows development)? And why?

New User:
VS Prof: € 636,-
Delphi Prof: € 1.939,20


  1. David Heffernan

    >No trouble getting .net apps to run on

    It's one of the standard talking points that's many years out of date, along the lines of "Java is slow". I seem to have less problem getting .NET applications to run on the Linux desktop via Mono than Windows users seem to have getting them to run on Windows. :-(

    Deploying a .NET application isn't anything arcane or a problem that has yet to be solved. It's done every day at enterprises around the world. I don't remember anyone complaining in the 1990s that deploying Delphi was too hard because of the BDE.

  2. Rhett Price
    >Customers will find a way for this to happen.
    >Why add that risk?

    So relying on a proprietary single-vendor tool that has changed hands four times in 10 years with the last two owners both laying off workers is acceptable risk, but using a mainstream installer to deploy your application is an unacceptable risk?

    This is a hard argument to swallow. It seems like a big chunk of the development market has no problem taking a "risk" with .NET.

  3. I'm out - I'll continue to use Delphi to make a very good living. Have fun with VS.


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