Anyone noticing that Delphi Berlin 10.1.1 is slower than 10.1, at loading projects and showing forms?

Anyone noticing that Delphi Berlin 10.1.1 is slower than 10.1, at loading projects and showing forms?
I feel a big difference after installing the last update.



  1. Fixed issues suggest that it should be just opposite :) So hope this is not true :)

  2. I want to keep an eye on this. I noticed the performance drop from Xe4 to Berlin 10.1, in the IDE, when pressing F12 switching the code view and the form design view, when I was evaluating it...

  3. It takes a long time after loading the project to actually show tabs with source and forms in the editor.
    Even when clicking in a project link via "Recent Projects" it takes more time to load the project and see it in the Project Manager tab.

  4. I see also performance issues. 10.1 was better than Seattle but 10.1.1 seems to consuming more memory and is really slower also on compiling somehow. My memory consumption with 10.1 was round about 900MB now with same project is >1.2G with only 10 to 13 forms opened.

  5. I went back to 10.1 and the problem persists. So this has nothing todo with 10.1.1.
    It might be some third party control. The only ones that I updated recently were TMS and IBDAC.
    But unless there is some kind of log I can see there is no other way to know what causes this behaviour.
    It was ok 2 weeks ago.
    I am also having many Access Violations in the IDE when closing the project, and this again must have something todo with third party controls.
    Regarding memory, the same project in 10.1.1 uses a little less.

  6. Luis Madaleno Are you using cnpack? I got a lot of AV (Access Violations) after installing cnpack and an antivirus the same day; days later and after working on projects when closing the bds a dialog of AV appears many times and I need to close it using the task manager. I try disabling the antivirus but the AV occurs anyway.Yesterday, preparing for this upgrade, I un-install cnpack and now I don't have any AV, after closing the bds.

  7. Mr. E !​​ No, no cnpack and no AV.

  8. yes, I have to install IDE FIX PACK and DDevExtensions to make it same speed as Delphi XE8

  9. Guys, please write your OS versions too.

  10. I am on Windows 10 AU.
    But regarding memory it seems that 10.1.1 is more efficient.

    Anyone knows if there is some log I can check to see what is making the project load so slow?


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