How do I start creating an application that traces the route that I do on a map, there are some examples?

How do I start creating an application that traces the route that I do on a map, there are some examples?
Thank you all.


  1. What part are you struggling with? Use a mapping library, and get location from the location service. Keep a track of the locations as time passes. Plot that on your map.

    Which part of this are you stuck on?

  2. First I tried to run this example.
    The program crashes at startup, Android smartphone.

    I tried to create a google maps to key, in this way:
    1) With java I created the SHA1 key to debug.keystore
    2) I have created a project in google
    3) I enabled the project to the API.
    4) In the Credentials section, I created the KEY to be included in the program using SHA1
    5) Start the program in cell and stops.

    Thanks All


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