I need help:

I need help:

1) How to migrate ComPort 4.14 to Berlin?
2) To find examples of how to use TurboPower AsyncPro to read scales using to COMx port. I can't find any current examples of how to use it to read the COMx port to read scales in Berlin.

Previously (XE7/XE8) I manage to use ComPort to read a scale in serial port. I search for ComPort for Seattle, but not luck. Then I tweak the source project that works previously and I managed to install in Berlin but it has some bugs: When I right clic the component on "Port settings" it trows an error: Access violation at address 0EAFA11C in module 'DsgnCPortDXE10.bpl'. (I need to learn how to use G+ the image goes at the end of this post)

I create a program and "works" but when I close the port and then open to continue, the application freezes randomly when the port is closed (rice lake scale). I haven't this issue using the same library with other brand of scale (avery). Both scales works differently the rice lake send a continuous reading the avery can be programmed to send the weight when the scale is stable and above of 0.00.

I like comport it works fine in my previous project; and was very simple to use; it worries me when I need to maintain my old project and this issue shows.

Thanks for the help.

* I found the "APRO_DevGuide.pdf" I'm reading now; I hope to find how to use it to replace comport... reading the examples... looks like it can be done.


  1. Why on earth code like com port is implemented as a component? It is a perfect example of "if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail".

  2. Sergey Kasandrov Maybe the author need that hammer for his nails :/ ? Now I need to use/borrow his hammer... but maybe you have another one? :D

  3. Have you tried this fork? Seems it supports Seattle at least:
    bitbucket.org - wpostma / TComPort2010

  4. If I need a code like that, I set runtime-only in package options, if needed remove anything design-time related in code and install it as runtime package.

  5. Uwe Raabe I will test it right now... maybe works in Berlin.
    Then what I need is learn how to migrate this kind of code for new versions of Delphi; as said by Blanche DuBois: "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers." but right now its time to learn


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