Is it me or does the TImageList in FMX Berlin (Starter) fail to load the appropiate Icon-Layer and instead always loads the first? I have a multiresolution-icon and i only get the x16 Layer. I need the x32 layer.

Is it me or does the TImageList in FMX Berlin (Starter) fail to load the appropiate Icon-Layer and instead always loads the first? I have a multiresolution-icon and i only get the x16 Layer. I need the x32 layer.

EDIT: Is customsize x32 correct then? (and then loading the icon)
EDIT2: Okay it seems to be impossible to load the x32 layer. Exported a x32 png (-.-). But WHY does the TButton resize it to x16? All i want is a x32 picture on ab button, centered.


  1. Uwe Raabe can i change that for specific buttons? and how?

  2. Depends whether you edit the standard style or a user defined style. Note that the style settings are ignored if the control is rendered with platform style.


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