Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)
Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)
GExperts IFDEF Expert support for include files
The GExperts IFDEF expert now supports include files.
For each include file in the current unit it displays an additional tab containing all symbols defined in that include file with {$DEFINE }, {$UNDEF } and the usual disabled notation of these {.$DEFINE }, {.$UNDEF }. It searches for the include files in the search path of the project and – like the compiler – uses the first one it finds.
GExperts IFDEF Expert support for include files
The GExperts IFDEF expert now supports include files.
For each include file in the current unit it displays an additional tab containing all symbols defined in that include file with {$DEFINE }, {$UNDEF } and the usual disabled notation of these {.$DEFINE }, {.$UNDEF }. It searches for the include files in the search path of the project and – like the compiler – uses the first one it finds.
What a great time saver. Thank you!