There are a few programmers in my company working with Delphi 10.1 Berlin and I am one of them and the other programmer is using Delphi 10.1 in a Virtual machine and is having problems with spacing:

There are a few programmers in my company working with Delphi 10.1 Berlin and I am one of them and the other programmer is using Delphi 10.1 in a Virtual machine and is having problems with spacing:

Inside his C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\18.0 folder his CatalogRepository folder is 16Gb and he has only installed it about a week ago and this is only the 2nd time he has had chance to code inside Delphi 10.1.

I thought this seems a bit astronomical so I checked my C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\18.0 folder and it came out at 46.2Gb. The space consumed in mine was nearly all in the PlatformSDKs folder, which is a bit odd given that I am only developing in Windows at the moment and have only touched on Android a little bit to play around.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? Is there some kind of setting in the IDE that is responsible for this manic space usage?


  1. This is done right with the installation of Delphi if you choose to install the Android SDK.

  2. Uwe Raabe Which I did elect to do, however 46.2Gb seems a tad on the massive side for what should be a bunch of jar's and libraries - Or is that just me ? Not only that but my work colleague has 16Gb of space consumed and he elected NOT to install the Platform SDK's

  3. The folder containd AndroidSDK. If you run SDK Manager you can download SDKs(APIs) and Images of many various Android versions. Additional the AndroidSDK folder also contains images of created virtual devices. All of them can easily extend even 100GB if someone select to download everything and create many virtual devices.

  4. Maciej Wierzbowski Ok, that sounds totally plausible and I did download a lot of them. I will be pruning some of those back, if they take up that much space. However, I still don't know why my coleagues CatalogRepository is 16Gb

  5. That's totally normal and one of my gripes: default install is like a massive 50 gigabytes and temp space during install is even bigger. Way beyond other cross platform tools.

  6. CatalogRepository is a folder where Delphi stores kind of installer for future installation of some addons. There are zipped modules of Delphi that you can choose during Delphi installation process.
    I have installed Delphi 10.1 Berlin Enterprise and the folder is empty on my machine. But my brother installed Delphi 10.1 Berlin Starter and the folder is full of files. Because of that I know what is in the CatalogRepository folder.

  7. Can I somehow move those to another drive? I have chosen an installation folder on drive d: but those files have been installed on drive c: which in my case is a small ssd I wanted to be reserved for the os only.

  8. I think that you can safely delete the folder at all or just move to another drive. But if you are going to work with Android then you need to update the path to Android SDK and NDK in Tools->Options->SDK Manager.


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