Andreas Hausladen do you plan to update IDE Fix pack for Delphi Berlin Update 1 ? IDE Fix pack dll is throwing exception.
Andreas Hausladen do you plan to update IDE Fix pack for Delphi Berlin Update 1 ? IDE Fix pack dll is throwing exception.
I reproduce it this way :
- add a mobile view (in my case Android 3.5")
- switch to Android 3.5" view
- rotate the screen twice
Act: Access vilation
Ps: sorry for using google plus but I don't know how to contact you
Ps2 : call stack
exception class : EAccessViolation
exception message : Violation d'accès à l'adresse 10576E5F dans le module 'IDEFixPack.dll'. Lecture de l'adresse FFFFFFC9.
main thread ($2600):
10576e5f +013 IDEFixPack.dll
1f1ecf84 +048 dclfmxstd240.bpl FMX.Editor.ListView 668 +2 AddObjectAppearanceSprig
1f1ed220 +1e0 dclfmxstd240.bpl FMX.Editor.ListView 728 +31 TListViewObjectsSprig.FigureChildren
1f13a2d5 +005 dclfmxstd240.bpl System.Generics.Collections 4290 +1 FmxMultiResBitmapEdit.{System.Generics.Collections}TList.InternalNotify
75597d2e +09e KERNELBASE.dll CompareStringW
776b9e30 +070 RPCRT4.dll NdrConformantArrayUnmarshall
776c065e +24e RPCRT4.dll NdrPointerUnmarshall
5005ff2d +01d rtl240.bpl System 17839 +2 @AfterConstruction
501baea6 +01a rtl240.bpl System.Win.ComObj 886 +3 TComObject._AddRef
5005f8d4 +04c rtl240.bpl System 16850 +8 TObject.GetInterface
501bae56 +01a rtl240.bpl System.Win.ComObj 870 +4 TComObject.ObjRelease
501baeca +01a rtl240.bpl System.Win.ComObj 893 +3 TComObject._Release
74e6cac5 +015 oleaut32.dll SysReleaseString
77eafef4 +034 ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
75217e2d +16d user32.dll CallNextHookEx
21ab4d23 +08f vclactnband240.bpl Vcl.ActnMenus 749 +20 CallWindowHook
77eafef4 +034 ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
75217e2d +16d user32.dll CallNextHookEx
7520ded2 +092 user32.dll CallWindowProcW
50aa8786 +0e6 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10184 +30 TWinControl.DefaultHandler
50be785a +05a vcl240.bpl Vcl.Forms 5811 +11 TCustomForm.DefaultHandler
50aa54df +01b vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 8214 +3 TControl.CMMouseActivate
50aa3b2a +2be vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7313 +91 TControl.WndProc
7520ded2 +092 user32.dll CallWindowProcW
50aa8786 +0e6 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10184 +30 TWinControl.DefaultHandler
50be785a +05a vcl240.bpl Vcl.Forms 5811 +11 TCustomForm.DefaultHandler
50aa93e8 +02c vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10551 +4 TWinControl.WMMouseActivate
50aa3b2a +2be vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7313 +91 TControl.WndProc
50aa8675 +5e9 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10143 +158 TWinControl.WndProc
77eafef4 +034 ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
7520ded2 +092 user32.dll CallWindowProcW
50aa8786 +0e6 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10184 +30 TWinControl.DefaultHandler
50aa974d +101 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10699 +34 TWinControl.WMSetCursor
50aa3b2a +2be vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7313 +91 TControl.WndProc
50aa8675 +5e9 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10143 +158 TWinControl.WndProc
50aa1ba6 +012 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 5918 +1 TControl.ScreenToClient
50ab17d7 +287 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 15807 +74 TDockTree.WndProc
50ab108f +007 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 15551 +1 TDockTree.WindowProc
50aa7c94 +02c vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 9850 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
50170d28 +014 rtl240.bpl System.Classes 17179 +8 StdWndProc
77eafef4 +034 ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
7520ded2 +092 user32.dll CallWindowProcW
50aa8786 +0e6 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10184 +30 TWinControl.DefaultHandler
50be785a +05a vcl240.bpl Vcl.Forms 5811 +11 TCustomForm.DefaultHandler
50aa974d +101 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10699 +34 TWinControl.WMSetCursor
50aa3b2a +2be vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7313 +91 TControl.WndProc
50aa8675 +5e9 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10143 +158 TWinControl.WndProc
50aa7c94 +02c vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 9850 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
50170d28 +014 rtl240.bpl System.Classes 17179 +8 StdWndProc
77eafef4 +034 ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
7520ded2 +092 user32.dll CallWindowProcW
50aa8786 +0e6 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10184 +30 TWinControl.DefaultHandler
50aa974d +101 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10699 +34 TWinControl.WMSetCursor
50aa3b2a +2be vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7313 +91 TControl.WndProc
50aa8675 +5e9 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10143 +158 TWinControl.WndProc
50aa7c94 +02c vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 9850 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
50170d28 +014 rtl240.bpl System.Classes 17179 +8 StdWndProc
77eafef4 +034 ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
7520ded2 +092 user32.dll CallWindowProcW
50aa8786 +0e6 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10184 +30 TWinControl.DefaultHandler
50aa974d +101 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10699 +34 TWinControl.WMSetCursor
50aa3b2a +2be vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7313 +91 TControl.WndProc
50aa8675 +5e9 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10143 +158 TWinControl.WndProc
50aa7c94 +02c vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 9850 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
50170d28 +014 rtl240.bpl System.Classes 17179 +8 StdWndProc
5985adc5 +019 madExcept_.bpl madExcept InterceptClassDestroy
50068807 +03b rtl240.bpl System 37429 +7 TInterfacedObject._Release
50067558 +010 rtl240.bpl System 36409 +10 @IntfClear
50063dbc +0e4 rtl240.bpl System 31551 +139 @FinalizeArray
50063c88 +028 rtl240.bpl System 31258 +25 @FinalizeRecord
50063dac +0d4 rtl240.bpl System 31539 +127 @FinalizeArray
50063c88 +028 rtl240.bpl System 31258 +25 @FinalizeRecord
50068807 +03b rtl240.bpl System 37429 +7 TInterfacedObject._Release
50067558 +010 rtl240.bpl System 36409 +10 @IntfClear
50063dbc +0e4 rtl240.bpl System 31551 +139 @FinalizeArray
1f1ed336 +2f6 dclfmxstd240.bpl FMX.Editor.ListView 744 +47 TListViewObjectsSprig.FigureChildren
08ac8845 +069 fmx240.bpl FMX.ListView.Appearances 3228 +16 TItemAppearanceProperties.Create
08ac929f +007 fmx240.bpl FMX.ListView.Appearances 3500 +1 TAppearanceObjects.AssignTo
08ac6556 +002 fmx240.bpl FMX.ListView.Appearances 1966 +0 TCommonObjectAppearance.SetOpacity
08ac5eec +03c fmx240.bpl FMX.ListView.Appearances 1718 +2 TObjectAppearance.BindShim
08ac66ee +09a fmx240.bpl FMX.ListView.Appearances 2047 +7 TCommonObjectAppearance.SetBoundsRect
50155ab7 +007 rtl240.bpl System.Classes 5510 +0 TPersistent.Assign
08aed128 +018 fmx240.bpl FMX.ListView.DynamicAppearance 218 +0 TAppearanceObjectItem.Assign
501562d4 +090 rtl240.bpl System.Classes 5812 +10 TCollection.Assign
21276300 +2bc designide240.bpl Update 1134 +54 TUpdateObject.Update
2127628f +24b designide240.bpl Update 1120 +40 TUpdateObject.Update
21276335 +2f1 designide240.bpl Update 1139 +59 TUpdateObject.Update
21276d6d +101 designide240.bpl Update 1470 +22 TUpdateManager.Update
21276659 +01d designide240.bpl Update 1258 +2 TUpdateManager.UpdateChildren
21276620 +00c designide240.bpl Update 1240 +2 TUpdateManager.Modified
2129dee6 +02e designide240.bpl ComponentDesigner 3095 +2 TComponentRoot.ModifiedUpdateNotification
2129e020 +0b8 designide240.bpl ComponentDesigner 3115 +13 TComponentRoot.Modified
2129e06d +105 designide240.bpl ComponentDesigner 3122 +20 TComponentRoot.Modified
0d46b1f8 +310 fmxdesigner240.bpl FmxFormContainer 2457 +78 TControlSizer.ResizeControl
0d46564e +1e6 fmxdesigner240.bpl FmxFormContainer 564 +50 TFormContainerForm.ApplyDeviceFeatures
0d467243 +07b fmxdesigner240.bpl FmxFormContainer 1039 +9 TFormContainerForm.Rotate
0d46cc22 +036 fmxdesigner240.bpl FmxFormContainer 3033 +2 TFormBoundary.Rotate
212f9a74 +0a8 designide240.bpl EmbeddedFormDesigner 270 +13 TEditorFormDesigner.DoRotateView
212f60b7 +013 designide240.bpl ViewSelector 140 +2 TViewSelectorFrame.acRotateExecute
50aa4097 +073 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7429 +9 TControl.Click
50c36378 +000 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Buttons 1550 +0 TSpeedButton.Click
50c36362 +0ea vcl240.bpl Vcl.Buttons 1543 +25 TSpeedButton.MouseUp
50aa44d0 +038 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7557 +2 TControl.DoMouseUp
50aa4550 +074 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7570 +9 TControl.WMLButtonUp
50aa3b2a +2be vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7313 +91 TControl.WndProc
50aa3764 +024 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7091 +10 TControl.Perform
50aa7f20 +0b0 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 9920 +15 TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg
50aa84d6 +44a vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10089 +104 TWinControl.WndProc
50aa7c94 +02c vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 9850 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
50170d28 +014 rtl240.bpl System.Classes 17179 +8 StdWndProc
7520df5b +00b user32.dll DispatchMessageW
50beec8f +0f3 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Forms 10534 +23 TApplication.ProcessMessage
50beecd2 +00a vcl240.bpl Vcl.Forms 10564 +1 TApplication.HandleMessage
50bef005 +0c9 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Forms 10702 +26 TApplication.Run
749862c2 +022 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
I reproduce it this way :
- add a mobile view (in my case Android 3.5")
- switch to Android 3.5" view
- rotate the screen twice
Act: Access vilation
Ps: sorry for using google plus but I don't know how to contact you
Ps2 : call stack
exception class : EAccessViolation
exception message : Violation d'accès à l'adresse 10576E5F dans le module 'IDEFixPack.dll'. Lecture de l'adresse FFFFFFC9.
main thread ($2600):
10576e5f +013 IDEFixPack.dll
1f1ecf84 +048 dclfmxstd240.bpl FMX.Editor.ListView 668 +2 AddObjectAppearanceSprig
1f1ed220 +1e0 dclfmxstd240.bpl FMX.Editor.ListView 728 +31 TListViewObjectsSprig.FigureChildren
1f13a2d5 +005 dclfmxstd240.bpl System.Generics.Collections 4290 +1 FmxMultiResBitmapEdit.{System.Generics.Collections}TList
75597d2e +09e KERNELBASE.dll CompareStringW
776b9e30 +070 RPCRT4.dll NdrConformantArrayUnmarshall
776c065e +24e RPCRT4.dll NdrPointerUnmarshall
5005ff2d +01d rtl240.bpl System 17839 +2 @AfterConstruction
501baea6 +01a rtl240.bpl System.Win.ComObj 886 +3 TComObject._AddRef
5005f8d4 +04c rtl240.bpl System 16850 +8 TObject.GetInterface
501bae56 +01a rtl240.bpl System.Win.ComObj 870 +4 TComObject.ObjRelease
501baeca +01a rtl240.bpl System.Win.ComObj 893 +3 TComObject._Release
74e6cac5 +015 oleaut32.dll SysReleaseString
77eafef4 +034 ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
75217e2d +16d user32.dll CallNextHookEx
21ab4d23 +08f vclactnband240.bpl Vcl.ActnMenus 749 +20 CallWindowHook
77eafef4 +034 ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
75217e2d +16d user32.dll CallNextHookEx
7520ded2 +092 user32.dll CallWindowProcW
50aa8786 +0e6 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10184 +30 TWinControl.DefaultHandler
50be785a +05a vcl240.bpl Vcl.Forms 5811 +11 TCustomForm.DefaultHandler
50aa54df +01b vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 8214 +3 TControl.CMMouseActivate
50aa3b2a +2be vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7313 +91 TControl.WndProc
7520ded2 +092 user32.dll CallWindowProcW
50aa8786 +0e6 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10184 +30 TWinControl.DefaultHandler
50be785a +05a vcl240.bpl Vcl.Forms 5811 +11 TCustomForm.DefaultHandler
50aa93e8 +02c vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10551 +4 TWinControl.WMMouseActivate
50aa3b2a +2be vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7313 +91 TControl.WndProc
50aa8675 +5e9 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10143 +158 TWinControl.WndProc
77eafef4 +034 ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
7520ded2 +092 user32.dll CallWindowProcW
50aa8786 +0e6 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10184 +30 TWinControl.DefaultHandler
50aa974d +101 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10699 +34 TWinControl.WMSetCursor
50aa3b2a +2be vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7313 +91 TControl.WndProc
50aa8675 +5e9 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10143 +158 TWinControl.WndProc
50aa1ba6 +012 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 5918 +1 TControl.ScreenToClient
50ab17d7 +287 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 15807 +74 TDockTree.WndProc
50ab108f +007 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 15551 +1 TDockTree.WindowProc
50aa7c94 +02c vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 9850 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
50170d28 +014 rtl240.bpl System.Classes 17179 +8 StdWndProc
77eafef4 +034 ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
7520ded2 +092 user32.dll CallWindowProcW
50aa8786 +0e6 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10184 +30 TWinControl.DefaultHandler
50be785a +05a vcl240.bpl Vcl.Forms 5811 +11 TCustomForm.DefaultHandler
50aa974d +101 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10699 +34 TWinControl.WMSetCursor
50aa3b2a +2be vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7313 +91 TControl.WndProc
50aa8675 +5e9 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10143 +158 TWinControl.WndProc
50aa7c94 +02c vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 9850 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
50170d28 +014 rtl240.bpl System.Classes 17179 +8 StdWndProc
77eafef4 +034 ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
7520ded2 +092 user32.dll CallWindowProcW
50aa8786 +0e6 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10184 +30 TWinControl.DefaultHandler
50aa974d +101 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10699 +34 TWinControl.WMSetCursor
50aa3b2a +2be vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7313 +91 TControl.WndProc
50aa8675 +5e9 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10143 +158 TWinControl.WndProc
50aa7c94 +02c vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 9850 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
50170d28 +014 rtl240.bpl System.Classes 17179 +8 StdWndProc
77eafef4 +034 ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
7520ded2 +092 user32.dll CallWindowProcW
50aa8786 +0e6 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10184 +30 TWinControl.DefaultHandler
50aa974d +101 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10699 +34 TWinControl.WMSetCursor
50aa3b2a +2be vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7313 +91 TControl.WndProc
50aa8675 +5e9 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10143 +158 TWinControl.WndProc
50aa7c94 +02c vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 9850 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
50170d28 +014 rtl240.bpl System.Classes 17179 +8 StdWndProc
5985adc5 +019 madExcept_.bpl madExcept InterceptClassDestroy
50068807 +03b rtl240.bpl System 37429 +7 TInterfacedObject._Release
50067558 +010 rtl240.bpl System 36409 +10 @IntfClear
50063dbc +0e4 rtl240.bpl System 31551 +139 @FinalizeArray
50063c88 +028 rtl240.bpl System 31258 +25 @FinalizeRecord
50063dac +0d4 rtl240.bpl System 31539 +127 @FinalizeArray
50063c88 +028 rtl240.bpl System 31258 +25 @FinalizeRecord
50068807 +03b rtl240.bpl System 37429 +7 TInterfacedObject._Release
50067558 +010 rtl240.bpl System 36409 +10 @IntfClear
50063dbc +0e4 rtl240.bpl System 31551 +139 @FinalizeArray
1f1ed336 +2f6 dclfmxstd240.bpl FMX.Editor.ListView 744 +47 TListViewObjectsSprig.FigureChildren
08ac8845 +069 fmx240.bpl FMX.ListView.Appearances 3228 +16 TItemAppearanceProperties.Create
08ac929f +007 fmx240.bpl FMX.ListView.Appearances 3500 +1 TAppearanceObjects.AssignTo
08ac6556 +002 fmx240.bpl FMX.ListView.Appearances 1966 +0 TCommonObjectAppearance.SetOpacity
08ac5eec +03c fmx240.bpl FMX.ListView.Appearances 1718 +2 TObjectAppearance.BindShim
08ac66ee +09a fmx240.bpl FMX.ListView.Appearances 2047 +7 TCommonObjectAppearance.SetBoundsRect
50155ab7 +007 rtl240.bpl System.Classes 5510 +0 TPersistent.Assign
08aed128 +018 fmx240.bpl FMX.ListView.DynamicAppearance 218 +0 TAppearanceObjectItem.Assign
501562d4 +090 rtl240.bpl System.Classes 5812 +10 TCollection.Assign
21276300 +2bc designide240.bpl Update 1134 +54 TUpdateObject.Update
2127628f +24b designide240.bpl Update 1120 +40 TUpdateObject.Update
21276335 +2f1 designide240.bpl Update 1139 +59 TUpdateObject.Update
21276d6d +101 designide240.bpl Update 1470 +22 TUpdateManager.Update
21276659 +01d designide240.bpl Update 1258 +2 TUpdateManager.UpdateChildren
21276620 +00c designide240.bpl Update 1240 +2 TUpdateManager.Modified
2129dee6 +02e designide240.bpl ComponentDesigner 3095 +2 TComponentRoot.ModifiedUpdateNotification
2129e020 +0b8 designide240.bpl ComponentDesigner 3115 +13 TComponentRoot.Modified
2129e06d +105 designide240.bpl ComponentDesigner 3122 +20 TComponentRoot.Modified
0d46b1f8 +310 fmxdesigner240.bpl FmxFormContainer 2457 +78 TControlSizer.ResizeControl
0d46564e +1e6 fmxdesigner240.bpl FmxFormContainer 564 +50 TFormContainerForm.ApplyDeviceFeatures
0d467243 +07b fmxdesigner240.bpl FmxFormContainer 1039 +9 TFormContainerForm.Rotate
0d46cc22 +036 fmxdesigner240.bpl FmxFormContainer 3033 +2 TFormBoundary.Rotate
212f9a74 +0a8 designide240.bpl EmbeddedFormDesigner 270 +13 TEditorFormDesigner.DoRotateView
212f60b7 +013 designide240.bpl ViewSelector 140 +2 TViewSelectorFrame.acRotateExecute
50aa4097 +073 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7429 +9 TControl.Click
50c36378 +000 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Buttons 1550 +0 TSpeedButton.Click
50c36362 +0ea vcl240.bpl Vcl.Buttons 1543 +25 TSpeedButton.MouseUp
50aa44d0 +038 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7557 +2 TControl.DoMouseUp
50aa4550 +074 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7570 +9 TControl.WMLButtonUp
50aa3b2a +2be vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7313 +91 TControl.WndProc
50aa3764 +024 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 7091 +10 TControl.Perform
50aa7f20 +0b0 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 9920 +15 TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg
50aa84d6 +44a vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 10089 +104 TWinControl.WndProc
50aa7c94 +02c vcl240.bpl Vcl.Controls 9850 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
50170d28 +014 rtl240.bpl System.Classes 17179 +8 StdWndProc
7520df5b +00b user32.dll DispatchMessageW
50beec8f +0f3 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Forms 10534 +23 TApplication.ProcessMessage
50beecd2 +00a vcl240.bpl Vcl.Forms 10564 +1 TApplication.HandleMessage
50bef005 +0c9 vcl240.bpl Vcl.Forms 10702 +26 TApplication.Run
749862c2 +022 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
Cannot check right now. Did you check without IDE Fix Pack?
ReplyDeleteI doubt that the FastMove replacement for System.Move has a bug. If the IDE calls Move with a broken pointer you will see a crash in FastMove because without IDE Fix Pack it would crash in System.Move.