At the moment I am trying to parse this simple file

At the moment I am trying to parse this simple file

home = C:\Program Files (x86)\Python\35
include-system-site-packages = true
version = 3.5.0

I want to read out the value named include-system-site-packages

At first I thought that I could load it into a string list, and read Values['include-system-site-packages']. That fails because of the trailing space after include-system-site-packages.

The I thought I could use a TMemIniFile, but that fails too because the file does not contain any sections.

Is there any other simple built in class that can get this job done or should I hold my nose and parse the file myself?


  1. I wasn't really asking for ideas on how to do it manually. Obviously I can do that readily enough. I was just mostly wondering if there was a concise way to do it with built in library functionality.

  2. I guess the TMemIniFile approach with an injected section might be the nearest you can get with the classes that comes with Delphi.

  3. As this thread shows, and I can't come up with a better alternative than Uwe's - there doesn't seem to be a ready to use lib func.
    I'd probably just Pos the '=', then copy out and trim the pre-part, and likewise for the post-part. Brute force, sort of.


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