I'm traying to deploy Android APK with Clear Data and Cache Folders, but it dosen't works.

I'm traying to deploy Android APK with Clear Data and Cache Folders, but it dosen't works.

1. I have and Android App in Google Play Store
2. I've made a "new version" with som changes in a bbdd file.
3. In delphi I've placed "-cleaninstall" parameter to try my app and all works well.
4. I've updated my new APK to Goole Play store without problems.
5. Users than UPDATE the app continius with OLD Chache and BBDD and App crasches.

Any help?


Xavi Pallicera


  1. Updating already installed app in Android doesn't clear any cache and it isn't the same as uninstall the app and install the new one. You should manage the case in your app code by yourself. Kind of cache versioning or something like that.


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