My newest blog post: Delphi VCL/FMX for Linux before the official platform support

My newest blog post: Delphi VCL/FMX for Linux before the official platform support
Discusses targeting Linux (not only) users with past and current Delphi versions.


  1. Please use Github, not sourceforge. Allows easier community integration (Forks/Pullrequest) and if you want, you can make the unit available for Delphinus (An OpensourcePackagemanager for Delphi XE and newer)

  2. Thank you for the tips I promise to consider, although I personally prefer subversion from Git.
    I want to release the code open source under free license that will not allow for commercial use, and I want to remain the sole maintainer for that particular code, at least for now, later perhaps will change.

  3. With Pullrequests you still decide what goes in and what does not. You don't loose any control. While it is some kind of abomination, Github allows to checkout the Gitrepo as SVN repo. But maybe its an option to consider Git right away, as the project is simple (most probably just a single unit). And please reconsider the non-commercial constraint. As far as your article goes, it seems to be a header conversion. How do you proofe that someones wineheadertranslation is not a copy of yourse and vice versa?

  4. I am still thinking about details. I have more than just a unit, I have a set of components too, they appear to be shell components like TShellListView but they actually operate above the Wine abstract layer when it is present, and behave normally when it is absent.
    I will figure things out within 1 max 2 weeks. I will definitely take your suggestions into the consideration.

  5. Very interesting article. Consider Embarcadero coming Linux support won't include (at least initially) a GUI library, but it will be focused on server side development -- so Wine will remain a valid option to migrate VCL and FMX applications for some time to come....

  6. Marco Cantù honored to know you took time to check my article Mr Cantù, I've read several of your books!
    I think that taking effort to ensure an application works well under Wine is already very sufficient for addressing Linux (not only) users. And with Delphi it doesn't even seems especially difficult, as long as consideration is given when using 3rd party dependencies.

  7. Last time I checked, Delphi up to 7 ran under wine but the integrated debugger did not work. Has that changed?

  8. This screen is showing a breakpoint and a variable value preview in debugger.

  9. Very good article, clipped into my EverNote. Few years ago one of users told me, he's successfully setup and running one of my programs, which relies on an ActiveX component. That's impressive, but I did not dig into that.

  10. AFAIR Kylix was already using WineLib for running the IDE (the IDE, not the Kylix generated apps themselves, which did not need Wine to run, but old QT rendering).

  11. A. Bouchez this is something I didn't know, if I can find any source for this, I will include this in my post when I mention Teamviewer for example.

  12. install what? Delphi? just from the Delphi installer. Wine? sudo apt-get install wine1.7

  13. Daniela Osterhagen awesome source, thanks!!

  14. Please try and include an FMX 3D app in your future demo video, if possible. And in the CaptureConsoleOutput snippet, consider passing a TStrings instead of a TMemo, because it looks better.

  15. i will try with 3D. And the procedure with memo is just a copy paste from Internet. I would use lower level class instead of a high level component, and I would make it a function not a procedure. And i will share some of my code too.

  16. sub? subtitles? sorry but I don't know what it means.

  17. In Linux is it trivial to print reports like Windows?

  18. Kris Kamil Jacewicz "subscribe" as in "I'm interested on this topic but g+ does not allow me to subscribe to it without posting a comment"


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