Network is unreachable Datasnap over IPV6

Network is unreachable Datasnap over IPV6

When i try to connect to a Datasnap Rest Server over a IPV6 network i get "Socket Error Network is unreachable"

I'm using TDSRestConnection to connect

in the HostName property i set my server name

XE8 Datasnap Rest Server


  1. have your tried something like fing from the phone? Or a ping tool?
    Is there a firewall involved? Has the appropriate ports been opened?
    Is there anything in the firewall logs that indicate rejection?

  2. there are not firewall, this problem is only when i try to connect to my rest server over a IPV6 network.

    If a make a http request to my restserver over IPV6 work fine,

    I can't set a URL in the host property of the TDSRestConnection


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