TBrushKind.bkGrab is deleted???

TBrushKind.bkGrab is deleted???

How to set a brush to a snapshot of a control now??

I can only set a brush to Bitmap, but after XE2, I can't set it to a vector.(for example TPath).

I submit a QC:
Marco Cantù



  1. Big Banng Sorry that i could not help much more. Something to consider when using Vectorgraphics: Depending on their implementation they are far more demanding when redrawing. So a whole UI with those might even be a bottleneck (might, not tested)

  2. Alexander Benikowski Tamks for the advice. I tested on my phones and computers. Small vectors seems ok, no significant performance issue. But large vectors have poor performance on mobile.

  3. That's to be expected as the whole draw-chain is executed each time. With a lot of overdraw(depending on the Vectorgraphic).


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