Wow! Very cool! An IDE Expert that displays values of watch expressions when debugging, right inside your code editor, and it's live! The idea should be inspired by Light Table, the implementation should have been benefited from the excellent the detours hooking library by Mahdi Safsafi PS, this Japanese blog was posted to this group long time ago, and today Nicholas mentioned it, so I went to there again, and found this cool thing :)

Wow! Very cool! An IDE Expert that displays values of watch expressions when debugging, right inside your code editor, and it's live! The idea should be inspired by Light Table, the implementation should have been benefited from the excellent the detours hooking library by Mahdi Safsafi PS, this Japanese blog was posted to this group long time ago, and today Nicholas mentioned it, so I went to there again, and found this cool thing :)


  1. I must have missed something. To me out looked like the Watch window. What exactly is different?

  2. Castalia, before it was incorporated in to the IDE, had a similar feature.

    Thomas Mueller​ The variables' values are on the source line, so they are easier to see (I guess)

  3. Installed in Berlin and Seattle... working great so far! :-)

  4. WAIT something i noticed! If this works in starter... awesome o.o

  5. DO i have to enable it? Otherwhise it does not work in starter :(

  6. I just installed the .bpl (in Professional) and it worked (while debugging).

  7. Alexander Benikowski I didn't do anything other
    than installing it. When it hits a breakpoint all parameters and local vars magically appear

  8. It only works if the project is running on a platform under debugging 32-bit. To debug 64-bit applications functionality does not work. Menu item "Add platform" in DLight.dproj is disabled.

  9. WOW looks amazing ! Is it open source ?

  10. From "This plugin is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE file."

  11. OK, I compiled and installed it. Looks cool. Unfortunately since I don't develop much with Delphi 10.1, I can't really test how useful it really is.
    (The animation on the webpage is misleading. It does not direct the attention to the important part.)

  12. CodeRush - in the pre-Galileo era, before heading to the .NET world - had plugins for similar functionality. I still miss it.

  13. Brilliant. It does exactly what the webkit debugger has been doing for a while now. But i get "duplicates not allowed" when stepping. Did anyone successfully parse how / where to send a report? Cannot get Google Translate to work there :(

  14. I found the problem on Starter.
    FWatchWindow := TForm(Application.FindComponent('WatchWindow'));
    if FWatchWindow = nil then Exit;
    FWatchWindow is nil.

  15. Friedrich Westermann Cool. I wonder why it requires Seattle as minimum version.

  16. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers Painting into the editor leverages INTAEditViewNotifier that exists since 10 Seattle due to the rework of the suboptimal integration of Castalia into XE8.

  17. Reminds me of the second example from this interesting talk by Bret Victor:


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