Anybody noticed that the IDE will become noticeable slow when scrolling by mouse with "Structural Highlighting" option unchecked? It has happened since D10Seattle and also occurred in Berlin. (It must not be caused by the CnWizards as I haven't installed it) Long time ago I wrote a small plugin to kill some integrated Castalia features and the problem was gone.


  1. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers This switch is ONLY available in XE8, isn't it? (doesn't work in seattle/berlin)

  2. David Millington Yes. You can notice the difference even in 1K loc file... (not smoothly as it was) for large files, the code editor may become extremely slow when scrolling...

  3. David Millington I didn't filed a QC as I haven't steps to reproduce it. As I prefer CnWizards style. Is is hard to tell, After unchecked it, The code editor sometimes becomes slow and may even take seconds and then the IDE not responding when scrolling once. (I tested it by uninstalling CnWizards)


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