Berlin UPD2, Alt+F12 do not switch to/from DFM my installation broken or is it UPD2 ?


  1. oups, Alf+F12 do not works anywhere...they must be something that capture this...I had this bad joke with Camtasia that uses F9 to stop the recording :/

  2. F12 is commonly blocked / used by other applications as a system-wide hotkey. Have you installed or updated anything else?

  3. David Millington least Camstasia, but it's not there any way to know wich program hooks the keyboard ?

  4. Not that I know of. You can tell if RegisterHotkey returns false that an app has registered it, but not which app. This SO link has some Delphi code using SetWindowsHookEx to try to find the app that's processing it.

    Even if Camtasia isn't running, does it have a non-visible process running? Lots of apps run utility or background services.

  5. Reminds me of Intel's GPU driver control panel thing, which happily eats all CTRL+ALT+F1-F12 combinations, even if some of them are not used for any shortcuts...

  6. Asbjørn Heid Is that "Intel Grafik HD"? A customer emailed me to say that was the source of a similar problem.

  7. David Millington Yeah, can't recall the exact name of the thing but very close to that yes.

  8. The point is that the thing has some shortcuts like CTRL+ALT+F9 or whatever for changing the screen rotation, dupe or clone to external port etc. The problem is that it consumes all CTRL+ALT+F... combos, even those that it does not have a shortcut for.

  9. Asbjørn Heid I remember something like Ctrl-Shift-Left or so were captured by various display driver "tools".


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