Blog post "RAD Studio Berlin 10.1 Update 2 Anniversary Edition Available" at

Blog post "RAD Studio Berlin 10.1 Update 2 Anniversary Edition Available" at


  1. Awesome! One fairly important question so far: "Improved iOS 10 and macOS Sierra support".. doesn't specify whether it'll work with Xcode 8.1

  2. Great! "The update has also several quality improvements and bug fixes, including the most voted issue on Quality portal, the problems with CodeInsight and static arrays."

  3. Do wee still need IDE Fix pack in order to run it? For last 7 years there are still bugs in IDE killing developers productivity. I feel seek and tired of installing new versions and finding out that are hanging for 30 seconds before starting compiling. I see there is no IDE fix pack for any Delphi Berlin update. Do you have any news about IDE fix pack or finally it becomes that we have no need for IDE fix pack and this is going to be the day when I trust Embarcadero again.

  4. Cannot start OSX application, updated paserver reports SentielFunc xxxx. This error has been reported before. Not fixed? Unusable for Macos Sierra?

  5. I'm downloading it at the moment. Might be that the server is busy?

  6. Horácio Filho Read Marco's blog post again. There is a link to the ISO file:

  7. How nice. I've download the new ISO file, mounted it and started Setup. It asked me to uninstall, but then failed with error message:
    "Unable to load plug-in library. Please rebuild your project and make sure all required plug-ins are installed.Action skipped". It would be helpful if the error message says which plug-in failed to load.

  8. Achim Kalwa The direct download doesn't need EDN login :'(

  9. Horácio Filho
    The ISO file name has changed to radstudio10_1_upd2_esd.iso

  10. Achim Kalwa Thanks a lot, man, it worked :D

  11. Si pudiera ver una versión gratuita para estudiantes, así como ejecutar en múltiples plataformas me quedaría con el lenguaje, es por ello que uso Lazarus, con razón Java, Pithon, y Rubí on Rsils están acabando con el, que grandes recuerdos me trae mi gran Delphi 7.

  12. Marco Cantù Based on your blog post and the comment you made, I can see the Tools>Manage platforms menu. So, I need to use the GetIt web installer. But after downloading, the installer is doing a clean setup (by uninstalling the previous version). I have only Delphi installed. Should I use the rad_xxxx_upd2 installer? In this page: I can see a separate installer for Delphi but it is 6Gb which according to your post is the ISO. So, do I have to use the ISO installer? Thanks

  13. We had problems after updating from update 1 to update 2 because the iso installer has installed it in default folder instead of our custom folder. Uninstalling with keep settings and reinstalling was without problems. Now everything compiles with all components like devexpress, tms etc under update 2. So this is very good. Thanks for this!

  14. The GetIt installer will ask for saving your settings first, than will do a clean up during uninstall, and finally will restore your settings.

  15. Ok, thanks. I will try again and see what happens

  16. Tomasz Kunicki Why should there be an updated IDE Fix Pack for the Delphi updates if the IDE Fix Pack for the RTM version still works for the updates without recompiling it.

  17. Richard Baroniunas No. Just make sure you do not select the option to remove registry entries when uninstalling the older version. After installing Update 2, everything will be in place as before (this is for the ISO install)

  18. Andreas Hausladen how can I know it? Your web page does not say it. Installing and reverting to previous version is something I would avoid. Thank you for the info. Your work is very important to us, without IDE FIX we would be stuck on some old version.

  19. Just installed update 2. Half of my components are in place except those that have IDE componets

  20. I just installed Update 2 using GetIt. Selected the option to preserve the registry, no luck, all of my third party components are missing. sigh... And of course, the Find in Files dialog is still broken/useless when using large fonts. Why is it so difficult to at least make that dialog re-sizeable?

  21. I am having mixed emotions about the QA of Embarcadero...

  22. No chance to get Update 2 ISO installed on my system without a first full manual uninstallation. After that nothing seems left behind. and I'm able to recompile all my projects. Any idea on why SDK installer fails on a Windows 7 SP1 VM with this error? "You are able to install MS sdk installer only on Windows Vista or higher" ?

  23. The error message is misleading, but the latest Windows 10 SDK cannot be installed on Windows 7 -- even if Microsoft claims you can get the required bits via Windows Update, we haven't been able to make this work.


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