By watching the github commits of the mORMot project, aside from new feature additions, I *frequently* see this kind of optimizations and enhancements done by Mr. Arnaud (aka ab) and other contributors. It shows the passion of the developers behind the project, and it's a sign of a software project on which you can rely :) Thanks ab and other contributors.

By watching the github commits of the mORMot project, aside from new feature additions, I *frequently* see this kind of optimizations and enhancements done by Mr. Arnaud (aka ab) and other contributors. It shows the passion of the developers behind the project, and it's a sign of a software project on which you can rely :) Thanks ab and other contributors.


  1. Thanks for your feedback! As D.K. wrote: "We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil.". We can afford such optimizations with no fear, thanks to our huge set of regression tests, and continuous integration.


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