Does anybody know where to get ReservedWordsOP.txt and ReservedWordsC.txt for java2OP.exe in bin\converters\java2op for Delphi 10.1 Berlin upd2? It also wasn't in upd1. There is a complete download of java2OP for Delphi XE8 but it's only for registered users of XE8 (and I'm only registered for 10.1). (I can't believe they didn't include it by now because this is a known issue since XE8)
When you buy 10.1 you also get licenses for lots of previous versions (most of them down to D7, I think?) so you should be able to redeem a XE8 license and download it. That said, I'll look into why it's only available for XE8 users, that's a mistake.
ReplyDeleteNo, XE8 is a special case here. It needs to be installed on the same machine as Seatle (or Berlin I guess). You can't install it on a clean machine. There is also NO XE8 license you can redeem, because if you install XE8 it will look at the Seatle installation (yikes). Also... I found that, even if you have the Mobile add-on for Berlin... you are not entitled to the mobile add-on for previous versions (which makes that whole previous version option useless in some cases). (also stated on this page
ReplyDeleteWhich of these do you need?
ReplyDeleteProbably the if it contains the ReservedWordsOP.txt and ReservedWordsC.txt. It should be included in the standard installation but it hasn't for years. I now just created the file myself from a reservedword list from FPC :) and it works. Now java2OP prefixes reserved keywords with & (or appends _ if it's a parameter) in the created files. But it's nuts I had to jump through hoops for a (wimple) file which should have been included.
ReplyDeleteRik van Kekem I put the ones from XE8 here:
ReplyDeleteJeroen Wiert Pluimers Yes, those are the ones. Big thanks. Now I got the official ones.
ReplyDeleteRik van Kekem I just checked, and Java2OP should be fully included in your install. The XE8 download was only because of an issue with that version, which is why it is for XE8 license holders only. Is the issue that it is installed, but that file is missing, or is Java2OP completely missing from your installation?
ReplyDeleteNo, the issue is that Java2OP.exe is installed correctly (in converters) but it is missing the two files: ReservedWordsOP.txt and ReservedWordsC.txt . These are used by Java2OP.exe to rename any reserved words during generation of the units. Java2OP.exe also gives a warning that these two files are missing. Adding them from the post of Jeroen fixed all this. But Embarcadero should add them again in the distribution because they need to be included in the install.
ReplyDeleteRik van Kekem Which installer did you use (InstallAware, or the new GetIt one?)
ReplyDeleteDavid Millington I installed 10.1 Berlin last month with the webinstaller (radstudio10_1_upd1_esd.exe 174MB). And recently uninstalled everything and installed 10.1 Berlin update 2 with the 6,83GB ISO-image radstudio10_1_upd2_esd.iso. Both didn't include the .txt files for Java2OP.exe.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I'll look into it.