
i have a program that use MS SQL SERVER 2000
i want to make a mobile application that connect to this database to make some consultation
client file
client balance? invoices ...
the search made with name date and some other champ
the database is big more than 4 GB and very year is come bigger with about 1GB
it is possible to connect to this data base to make those search and get response very fast ?
if there is an example would be very fine
Best Regards


  1. Graeme Geldenhuys I also stay away from Delphi ARC compilers, and rely on FPC for cross-platform support, which is just heads away of Delphi (e.g. for Linux - the upcoming Delphi Linux compiler will probably use ARC, so I will stay with FPC). For mobile apps, I prefer HTML5.
    BTW I like very much the tiOPF UI mediator pattern...

  2. A. Bouchez > BTW I like very much the tiOPF UI mediator pattern...
    Thanks. :)  That came about after I migrated UI code from VCL (Windows only app) to CLX (Linux and Windows). Then Kylix got killed, then migrated to Lazarus LCL (Linux and Windows). In each step there was so many inconsistencies and I got tired of working around UI differences. So, as a huge fan of design patterns I stumbled across an article about MGM (Model-GUI-Mediator). After some experimentation and with good results, I implemented it for tiOPF. Then a little while later the tiModelMediator got developed to reduce the amount of setup code needed for the MGM mediators. Ever since, it has worked wonders. To get rid of the last few UI inconsistencies found in LCL, I developed my own cross-platform 100% custom-drawn GUI toolkit - fpGUI.  Coincidently, fpGUI is 10 years old this month. :)

    Just goes to show how needs of a developer (to ultimately make life simpler) can drive development. :)

  3. Graeme Geldenhuys has written article about Model-GUI-Mediator pattern himself. Recommended reading!
    geldenhuys.co.uk - geldenhuys.co.uk/articles/model-gui-mediator.pdf


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