Hi All

Hi All
Has anyone managed to create a certificate ppx file OK that signs corretly the ppx file re Berlin Update 2 re Microsoft store?
I get an error when I try to run the ppx file..it says either you need a new cert installed for this app pacjage or you need a new pcc package with a trusted cert. your admin or app developer can help. a cert chain processes but terminated in a root certificate which inst trusted
I do have sign tool and I am able to code sign .exe files OK

I tried signing the pfx key file..but that is not allowed..i even tried signing the .exe then re did the deploy..thinking that will end up in the package..no go. maybe the create self signed certificate in the ide is not the way to go?
i have found this..but its not easy to follow>: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/jj835832(v=vs.85).aspx

thanks for any help/tips!


  1. i have tested setting my large win32 program as windows 10 appx. it works. I was able to force the location of the ini files and location to store the data for the program to the expected location I normaly use for the app and that was OK..and the program could run .exe programs in that location OK..only issue I have found is with the registry..launching as a windows 10 appx, it stores treginifile in a special location in the registry.I use e.g myregIni := Treginifile.Create('myregini.ini'); how do I make sure that is created in

  2. I could though put in the windows store a basic version of my program (with functions that do not work) for a low price or even free, encouraging the user to purchase and install the normal version from my web site

  3. just a follow up , I finally have my app in the windows app store. Happy about that :)


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