I was given a bunch of project code by a client that I'm trying to build in D2007, and they forgot to give me a folder with several source units. I can't build the project because I'm missing those source files, but I've got the DCUs in a folder from an earlier build. I know there's a way to use these DCUs without the corresponding source files, but I forgot how other than maybe putting the DCUs into a DPK file. Is there some other way?


  1. Douglas Rudd That is another annoying situation. so far I assume that David Schwartz has the right version of the DCUs

  2. I'm not repeating this again. Read the whole thread. Thx.

  3. Well, I finally got the missing source files. I put them into the folder with the DCUs, and deleted the DCUs; then I did a Build and everything worked just fine.


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