Update 2, first IDE Fix pack threw errors at startup so i reverted the machine, uninstalled IDE Fix Pack and did Update 2 again (over the web). The intstaller indicated it'll keep settings. But all 3rd party packages are "gone". So i really need to go to each directory, re-read all the readme's, re-install all of it. And some of the paths have gone too. So should i run the DevExpress installer or try to fix the path? All these questions for over 30 libraries. Grr...


  1. We keep components in our SCM and have written a small tool to register all the packages and unregisters any missing packages, using a JEDI library which does the required registry manipulation for that.

    Makes it very easy to get back to a good state.

  2. I am not a we :)

    Fortunately i ALWAYs document installation of 3rd party stuff. Most libs can "simply" be recompiled since the library paths are still there. That is of much help.

    One more thing i will document from now on is when a 3rd party installer gives the option of "only me" or "all users". I suspect some of them installs to different places.

    Recompiling DevExpress... waiting... waiting...

  3. Asbjørn Heid Only if this information is not confidential for your company - can you share the source for this tool?
    I want to make/use something like your tool for us/me.

  4. GetIt stuff just need reinstall. Delphinus stuff needs uninstall + reinstall. Waiting for github...

  5. These things are so much better kept generally compared to say XE2, D2009. Phew. So ½ a working day went. Now @Update 2!!! Hooray! [Only Win32 and one or to libs to go].

    The other ½ workday i lost was because i thought (from various information gathered) that if i used the same installer the /packages/ would remain installed. Nobody claimed that though. The paths are still there. Installers that "register" a macro for it's path (like DXs $(DXVLC)) will have to be re-run because those are lost during Update 2. And everything except embas stuff in "Components|Installed Packages" went too. As stated the dcu's are compatible.


  6. Dobrin Petkov Here's the core, I've removed non-essential code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t5knigecsdwj100/component_registration.pas?dl=0

    My coworker usually handles this. When he upgrades to a new version of Delphi he notes which packages are built and checks the registry to see which packages are registered, and then updates this tool. Once working he commits the code as well as the exe, so that we can just run it after switching between branches. The exe lives in the ComponentsRootDir directory, which is part of our source tree in the SCM.

    edit: thus to be clear, the BPLs and so on are also checked into the SCM.

  7. Asbjørn Heid Thank you people - really hope that will be useful :)

  8. Asbjørn Heid , sounds interesting. JclIDEUtils.pas, well, I have to say it again - what if JCL/JVCL is well-documented...


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