Delphi for Windows review circa 1995 - what a blast from the past. I see the "fish demo" has been around since the beginning. :-D

Delphi for Windows review circa 1995 - what a blast from the past. I see the "fish demo" has been around since the beginning. :-D


  1. Requires: 6MB RAM, 30MB hard drive.... ;)

  2. Back then new releases were really changing a lot for a developer.

  3. It is so awesome going through that magazine issue and seeing the amount of competition too. On the OS front there was Windows vs OS/2 vs Mac. On the Office Suite front there was MS Office, Lotus Suite, Star Office etc. The magazines of today are really boring in comparison.

  4. Delphi set the bar so high when introduced that the whole thing still works today and still efficient than other languages

  5. "You send send megabytes or even gigabytes in Seconds by handing the disk from one person to another or shipping it with a Fedex-Package"
    First time you'll see me writing ROFL! XD


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