

Looking for an ultimate solution to add a suggestion list to a TEdit, I've tried to add a ComboBox under a TEdit...it works pretty well except that for an unknown reason the mouse cursor disappears sometime ?!

Any idea about that ?



  1. Stefan Glienke the request is for a general purpose dropdown list on TEdit, TButtonedEdit, etc...

    I've tried other solutions and the main problem I've found is to add a popup window that do not take the focus and disappears at the right time. ComboBox do that just fine, tha't why I've tried to use it.

  2. Alexander Sviridenkov I'v seen that, but with a ComboBox you can use custom draw items

  3. I still don't understand what you're after. Any existing application having similar behaviour?

  4. ComboBoxes are strange things as the dropdown doesn't belong to the normal control hierarchy. I think that in the past it belonged to the desktop. Not sure about now.

  5. Attila Kovacs with a dropdown that is not clipped by the parent control, that's why I use it.

    BTW WM_SETCUSOR works also, you're right.

  6. Oh, yes! I remember! I implemented a mouse-move on drop-down. Moved the mouse pointer a couple of pixels to the right (for ltr). Users were happy with that.

  7. Nancy Lescouhier Hello Nancy, you ask, so I reply. TMS provide a very large set of components to do a lot of things. That's great.

    But each time I have to use one of your components, I have to deal with a plethora of properties that I don't need.

    I've just downloaded the trial to try the TAdvSearchEdit component.

    the component has a black background (?!), they're 3 buttons that I have to hide. there's no Items:TStringList property to provide the items but a collection of TSearchItem with a Columns collection of TSearchCollumnItem (ouch !)

    This component can probably achieve the requirement, but I feel like using a slegehammer to stick a nail (not sure of the translation :D).

  8. Paul TOTH For the black color, set FocusColor = clNone (or clWhite or any other color you want) As this component can do lookup in multiple columns, have images associated, we can't use a simple stringlist, this is the reason for the collection. Strings can be easily added to the collection though if you have only a single column.

  9. Bruno Fierens yes Bruno, that's what I say, I don't need all this features, but they are probably welcome for other needs ;)

  10. Paul TOTH Understood, always very hard to make a balance. Would it help if we added a method AddStrings(s: TStrings) that gives you one call to simply load singe column values from a stringlist?

  11. Bruno Fierens thanks but I'm prefer virtual contents. My visual component needs to be as light as possible with a lot of OnPaint events. I'm not a good candidat for your sophisticated components ;)


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