

So you want to learn french and hear my sweet voice ?

It's now possible with this video (1 hour) about Google Cardboards and Delphi Firemonkey :)

Subtitles should be available soon or later :)



  1. Hi Paul, although my french is just terrible, what you spoke about sounded not only sweet, but also very interesting ;-)
    Do you have any plans of publishing the code that you demoed?

  2. Markus Joos you should listen me talking english :D

    well, my StereroViewPort uses a copy of FMX.ViewPort3D.pas because I can't override the requiered methods of TViewport3D.

    Embarcadero do not let me publish this modified unit, so I'll publish things later...probably without using Embt code...but if you take a look at this unit, it will be painfull to do something really different :)

  3. Thanks Paul, let me know if you have something that you want to and are allowed to share.

  4. ok, I've removed most of the original code of the ViewPort3D component to keep only what is required by my component, and can't be done in an other way...yes I have to use a Texture, a Context and a Bitmap...there's not to many ways to render objects with FMX :)


  5. Thanks a lot Paul, that was quick! It compiles and works well in my DX Berlin 10.1. Now up to study in more detail what you have done ...

  6. Paul TOTH Thanks a lot Paul. For the french and Cardbard on Delphi lessons. Trés bien!

  7. Hello, did you try the code, did it work on your phone ? have you made something with it ?

    Any feedback is welcome ;)

  8. Paul TOTH I only had time to test the fulldemo. It works very well on a Samsung S4 with which I tested. (At least the visual part - even though it does not feel like real 3D).
    What is not working very well is the gyroscope based navigation, but maybe that was a calibration issue on my side.
    But overall your development is awesome - because it shows that cardboard development with FMX is possible. I still need to better understand what you have done - when I find more time though.


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