I found a bug? in TOpenDialog from Delphi XE to Delphi Berline

I found a bug? in TOpenDialog from Delphi XE to Delphi Berline

while compiling the demo project
cyComponents 6.73 demo\cyComponents\InternetExplorerWrappers\cyWebBrowser
(Cindy components)
There are 8 htm files
Try with the "Load from File " button to just stroll trough first 4 htm files.
You will see the file data on the right of the TOpenDialog component.
Now here is the bug.
next stroll to "Testing unicode big endian file.html"
you see nothing on the right pan.

I loaded the file "Testing unicode big endian file.html" to web browser
it is OK and one see its content. !!!
So it is a "legal file"

Obviusly the bug has nothing to do with the demo only
the TOpenDialog component.


  1. Make a small set of files not depending on external things like any Cindy. Specify clear steps to reproduce. Then either submit to https://quality.embarcadero.com or find someone who wants to submit it for you.

    Note that phrases like "first 4 files" are not clear steps as they depend on sort order and possible localisation settings.

  2. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers
    You need the html files in the demo InternetExplorerWrappers\cyWebBrowser
    (Cindy components)

    I made a simple program, button and TOpenDialog,
    to test on the above html files.
    The problem persist !
    It is a bug. Unfortunately.

  3. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers Can i add a zip file with the html file here?
    If not i will be glad to send them to who ever wants them.

  4. No. But you could make a gist with the files at https://gist.github.com/

    Use small files that focus on the issue. Do not include full Cindy. Your gist should at maximum be an few kilobytes.
    gist.github.com - Build software better, together

  5. I can see the same behavior with a plain Windows Explorer.

  6. Uwe Raabe But opening in chrome for example it is OK.
    File "Testing unicode big endian file.html" is shown ok.
    Further more TOpenDialog should have shown ,on the right,
    the files contents AFTERS showing no content of "Testing unicode big endian file.html". it seam to have a strange behavior.

  7. shlomo abuisak As I said, it seems to be a problem of Windows, not Delphi. BTW, my Windows Explorer (as well as TOpenDialog) refuses to show the content of some of these html files for security reasons.
    BTW, TOpenDialog is merely a wrapper around the built-in Windows Shell dialog. That is why I expect it to behave the same as in Windows Explorer.

  8. Uwe Raabe Thanks.You are right. I guess we have to blame Microsoft.
    But i am not sure it has to do with " security reasons" since
    my browser shows the file content. there is no java script.
    So i thing it is some thing else.

    The content is :

    Test File

    Test unicode big endian local file.
    Testing unicode big endian file.html.

  9. shlomo abuisak you shouldn't nest H1, and maybe it's a copy/paste error, but the href attribute of the link doesn't have a closing quote, so like this, the rest of the file is treated as a link, and then the file suddenly ends.

  10. Wouter van Nifterick see the original file which is not mine on my dropbox dl.dropboxusercontent.com - dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/91173792/Bug.zip
    The problematic file is "Testing unicode big endian file.html"


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