I'm having an issue with Firedac and stored procedures on SQL running on azure since 10.1.2? I have a service application that processes orders and updates the status, since the latest update I'm getting an error "parameter not found" after x executions of the stored procedure.

I'm having an issue with Firedac and stored procedures on SQL running on azure since 10.1.2? I have a service application that processes orders and updates the status, since the latest update I'm getting an error "parameter not found" after x executions of the stored procedure.

Anyone having the same issue?


  1. I was able to solve it (for now?) by setting DirectExecute to true (under ResourceOptions)

  2. Although it seemed to work, the issue returns at random times. Re-starting the windows service fixes the problem. Is anybody having the same issue and know of a way to solve this?


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